Dr. Saba Riaz


I have done my M.Phil (Statistics) in the year 2008 and Ph.D (Statistics) in the year 2014 from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Javed Shabbir. During my Ph.D, I got the opportunity to enhance my research abilities at University of Padua, Italy and there I worked under the supervision of Prof. Giancarlo Diana.
I have worked in various prestigious institutes as an Assistant Professor and I have joined RWU as an Assistant Professor from August 17, 2022.

Brief statement of Research Interest:

Survey Sampling, Randomized Techniques, Modeling Aridity and Drought, Spatio-temporal Modeling, Spatial Data Analysis, Data Mining, Data Science.


Ph.D (Statistics)

Honors and Awards:

HEC Indigenous Scholar & IRSIP Scholar


Two MPhil students are supervised.

Service Activity: Sep 2022-till present

Journal Publications:

. Li, Z., Riaz, S., Qamar, S., Ali, Z., Abbasi, J. N., Fayyaz,
R., 2023, Development of adaptive standardized precipitation index and its application in the Tibet Plateau region
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,
ISSN: 1436-3259, (Impact Factor (2022): 3.821

  1. Ali, F., Riaz, S., Ali, Z., Qamar, S., Li, B. Z., Khan, M. A., 2022,
    The Spatiotemporal Weighted Efficient Drought Index (STWEDI)- A
    New Generalized Procedure of Regional Drought Indicator, Ecohydrology (ISSN: 1936-0592)
    (Impact factor (2021): 3.166)
  2. Ali, F., Ali, Z., Li, B. Z., Qamar, S., Nazeer, A., Riaz, S., Khan,
    M. A., Fayyaz, R., Abbasi, J. N., 2022, Exploring Regional Profile
    of Drought History- a New Procedure to Characterize and Evaluate
    Multi-Scaler Drought Indices Under Spatial Poisson Log-Normal Model,
    Water Resources Management (ISSN: 1573-1650)
    (Impact Factor (2021): 3.868
  3. Khan, M. A., Riaz, S., Jiang, H., Qamar, S., Ali, Z., Islamil, M.,
    Nazeer, A., Faisal, M., Satti, S., and Zhang, X. , 2022, Development
    of an assessment framework for the proposed Multi-Scalar Seasonally
    Amalgamated Regional Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration
    Index (MSARSPEI) for regional drought classifications in global warming
    context, Journal of Environmental Management (ISSN: 0301-4797)
    Vol. 312, (Impact Factor (2021): 6.789
  4. Khan, S., Khan, A., Hameed, N., Taufiq, M. A., and Riaz, S., 2021,
    Localizing Epileptogenic Zone from High density EEG data using Machine Learning, International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (ISSN: 2626-8493)
    Vol. 17, No. 6, 73–86, (Impact Factor (2020): 0.22
  5. Riaz, S., Nazeer, A., Abbasi, J., and Qamar, S., 2020, On the
    generalized class of estimators for the estimation of population mean
    in the presence of non response problem, Journal of Prime Research in
    Mathematics (ISSN: 1818-5495)
    Vol. 16, No. 1, 52–63, (HEC Y Category)
  6. Riaz, S., Diana, G., and Shabbir, J., 2017, Modified classes of estimators
    in circular systematic sampling, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics
    and Statistics (ISSN: 1303-5010)
    Vol. 46, No. 4, 743–765,
    Doi: 10.15672/HJMS.20158412762.
    Impact Factor (2016): 0.415
  7. Riaz, S. and Darda, M. A., 2016, Some classes of estimators in the presence of non-response using auxiliary attribute, Springer Plus (ISSN:
    DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-2922-x.
    Impact Factor (2015): 0.982
  8. Diana, G., Riaz, S., and Shabbir, J., 2014, Hansen and Hurwitz estimator with scrambled response on the second call, Journal of Applied Statistics (ISSN: 1360-0532)
    Vol. 41, No. 3, 596–611, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2013.846305
    5-year Impact Factor (2013): 0.656
  9. Riaz, S., Diana, G., and Shabbir, J., 2014, Improved classes of estimators for population mean in presence of non-response, Pakistan Journal of Statistics (ISSN: 1012-9367)
    Vol. 30, No. 1, 83–100. Impact Factor (2013): 0.336
  10. Riaz, S., Diana, G., and Shabbir, J., 2014, A general class of estimators for the population mean using multi-phase sampling with the non-respondents, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (ISSN: 1303-5010). Vol. 43, No. 3, 511–527. Impact Factor (2013): 0.433

Conference Papers / Presentations:

  1. 14th International Conference on Statistical Sciences: Statistics for Better Decision–Making and Development, Jinnah Sindh Medical
    University, Karachi, Pakistan. Mar 14–16, 2016.
  2. A modified class of estimators for the population mean with auxiliary information in presence of non-response., 8th International Conference of the ERCIM Working Group on Computational and Methodological Statistics, University of London. London, UK. Dec 12–14, 2015.
  3. A general class of regression type estimators when auxiliary variable is an attribute., 12th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences: Statistics for Everyone and Everywhere, ICCS–12, Qatar University Doha, Qatar. Dec 19–22, 2012
  4. An improved class of regression estimators for the population mean under multi-phase sampling scheme in the presence of nonresponse., 11th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences:
    Statistics for Strategic Development, ICCS–11, University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. Dec 19–22, 2011
  5. Riaz, S., Diana, G. and Shabbir, J., 2012, A general class of regression type estimators when auxiliary variable is an attribute, Proceedings of the 12th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences 23, 277–284.
  6. Riaz, S. and Shabbir, J., 2011, An improved class of regression estimators for the population mean under multi-phase sampling scheme in the presence of non-response, Proceedings of the 11th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences 21, 563–576.

Research Projects : NA
