Dr. Rooh Ul Amin


Dr. Rooh ul Amin is a seasoned academician currently serving as a Professor and Head of the English Department at Rawalpindi Women University. With a Ph.D. in English, specializing in Applied Linguistics from The University of Memphis, USA, Dr. Amin has a rich educational background. He has held various academic and administrative positions throughout his career, contributing significantly to the field of English language and literature.

Brief statement of Research Interest:

Dr. Amin’s research interests revolve around identity and power relationships in ESL classrooms, language variation in legal texts, leadership styles, linguistic landscapes, and language policy. His work reflects a multidimensional approach to understanding language, culture, and education in diverse contexts.


Ph.D. in English (Applied Linguistics), The University of Memphis, TN, USA
M.Phil. in American Studies (Specialization: African-American Fiction), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Honors and Awards:

: USAID’s Pre-service Teachers’ Education Program (Pre-STEP) Ph.D. Scholarship, USA
The International Research Foundation (TIRF), Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) Competition 2015
Ruth and Henry Loeb Schraff Scholarship 2015, The University of Memphis, TN, USA
Applied Linguistics Award 2015, The University of Memphis, TN, USA


PhD – 6, MS/MPhil – 10

Service Activity:

Administrative Positions: Head of English Department, Rawalpindi Women University; Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Foundation University; President, Campus Discipline Committee, Foundation University; Member, Plagiarism Standing Committee, Foundation University; Director, Student Affairs, University of Sialkot; Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Sialkot; Deputy Provost, New Campus & City Campus, Gomal University.

Journal Publications:


Conference Papers / Presentations:

Principal Investigator (PI), HEC Thematic Research Grant Programme 2016-2017, worth PKR. 4 Million
Principal Investigator (PI), USAID Alumni Small Grant 2017, worth PKR. 1 Million

Research Projects:


Dr. Amin has been actively involved in professional training, workshops, and conferences, both as a resource person and participant. He has contributed significantly to the development of language education policies, curriculum revision committees, and academic associations in Pakistan.