Dr. Rayna Sadia


I have done my Doctorate in Applied Psychology from Lingnan University, Hong Kong in 2020. My dissertation focused on the role of personality and traffic safety attitudes in predicting driving behaviors. This research aimed to examine traffic safety attitude of Pakistani and Chinese drivers and outlined possible solutions to improve traffic safety in both countries. I am currently working on National Research Project for Universities (NRPU # 16104) on traffic safety framework in Pakistan. For details and further collaborations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at ResearchGate , LinkedIn , ORCID , Google Scholar

Brief statement of Research Interest:

My research expertise is in traffic safety and the psychological precursors of road traffic accidents, injury, and fatality. However, my research interest is not limited to traffic psychology, as I have supervised bachelors and postgraduate thesis on number of psychosocial issues including childhood trauma, suicidal ideation, behavior problems, infertility related stress, attitude towards transgenders, mental health. I am inclined to quantitative research (both survey and experimental / intervention studies).



Honors and Awards:


9 MS (Clinical) Students / 18 Undergraduates

Service Activity: Sep 2022-till present

Journal Publications:


Conference Papers / Presentations:

presented at number of National and International Conferences

Research Projects : Two NRPU
