Research Facilities
March 13, 2025 2025-03-17 11:47Research Facilities
The role of an examination office is more like a guardian of a student, ensuring complete systematic records and facilitating trustworthy support and service. This all is done to prevent results from being unproductive or unfair. The Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for the conduct of all examinations of the university and it shall be his/her duty to arrange for preparation, scheduling, conduct of examinations of the university and all other contingent matters connected with examinations. The Controller of Examinations in the execution of his/her office and shall report to the Vice Chancellor periodically on the performance of his/her duties. The Controller of Examination should take earnest efforts to see that all examinations are conducted as per the schedule mentioned in the academic calendar. Examinations are based on semester pattern.
Sr.# | Name | Description |
1 | Bench top shaker | Designed to create homogenous mixing for successful cultivations. |
2 | Growth cabinets (chambers) | Allow researchers to control the environmental conditions when studying plants. |
3 | Laminar Flow Hood | Keeps a controlled work surface for applications requiring a sterile work space whereas contaminant access is being prevented |
4 | Vertical Autoclave | Sterilizing machine that comes in a cylindrical shape. |
5 | Gel Documentation with laptop | Equipment widely used in molecular biology laboratories |
6 | TOPO-TA cloning Kit | Bacteria or Yeast Strain for TOPO-TA cloning vector |
7 | SDS page Horizontal unit Electrophoresis With accessories | Used for the separation of proteins based on their molecular weight. |
8 | Polyacrymyl Gel (Vertical) With accessories | Vertical Gel Electrophoresis able to make and runs two gels simultaneously
9 | Real Time quantitative PCR | For quantification of DNA in samples |
10 | Centrifuges with rotors and adapters (Temp. controlled) | To separate various components of a fluid. |
11 | Vortex | To mix small vials of liquid |
12 | Pippetman set | Provides pipettes covering volume transfers from 0.2 to 1000µL, which will tackle most laboratory needs |
13 | Eppendorf Micro centrifuge temperature control | High-speed, refrigerated microcentrifuge for high-throughput research. |
14 | Nano drop ND-1000 Spectrophotometer | Measures 1 ul samples with high accuracy and reproducibility |
15 | Spectrophotometer | Measuring the intensity of light relative to wavelength |
16 | Rotary Evaporator
| Efficient and gentle removal of solvents from samples by evaporation. |
| Automated thermo cycler | Designed for robotic integration with standard PCR consumables, hardware and software applications |
Sr. #
Gyroscopic apparatus
To detect and measure the angular motion of an object
To measure the volume and heat produced during a certain time interval
PH meter
To measure hydrogen ion activity in solutions
To measure the angle of rotation caused by passing polarized light through an optically active substance.
Thermostat Circulating water bath
To incubate samples at a constant temperature over a long period of time
Conductivity Meter
To measure the level of conductivity in solutions
Vacuum drying oven
Uniformly removal of moisture from the surface of parts/ Items
Fume cupboard hood
Ventilation device for limit exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors or dusts
Analytical balance
Accurately measure of mass
Digital melting point apparatus
For determination the melting point of a substance.
Potentiometer (digital)
Measuring electric potential (voltage)
UV visible Double Beam Spectrophotometer
To determine the amount of light of a specific wavelength absorbed by an analyte in a sample
Conductivity meters
Measure the level of conductivity in solutions
Centrifuge Machine
To separate particles suspended in a liquid
digital hot plate
Heating/ Stirring the elements to control temperatures
Rotary evaporators
Removal of the solvent from a sample
Distillation plant
Removal of impurities and germs from water and making it sterile free
Sr. # | Items | Description |
1 | Michelson Interferometer | Determination of the refractive index of air/glass |
2 | Digital Cathode Ray Oscilloscope | To display repetitive or single waveforms on the screen that would otherwise occur too briefly to be perceived by the human eye |
3 | Spectrophotometer | Measuring the intensity of light relative to wavelength |
4 | Furnace (1700o C) | Materials annealing and sintering in research laboratory |
5 | Fume Hood | Ventilated enclosure in which gases, vapors and fumes are captured and removed from the work area |
6 | Centrifuge | Used for the separation of fluids, gas or liquid, based on density |
7 | Probe Sonicator | Used in nanotechnology for evenly dispersing nanoparticles in liquids and for breaking down particles to nano size |
8 | Hall Effect Equipment | Determines the sign of the charge carriers in current flow |
9 | Digital Hot Plate | Heat and stirring control knobs allow the user easily to set the target temperature and speed |
10 | Sextant | Measuring angular distances used especially in navigation to observe altitudes of celestial bodies |
S. #
| Item | Description |
1 | Autoclave | Laboratory sterilizers |
2 | Distillation plant | Water purification |
3 | Water bath Shaker | The purpose of a water bath shaker is to steadily shake and mix samples while maintaining a constant temperature. |
4 | Vortex mixer-24 tubes | A vortex mixer is a simple device used commonly in laboratories to mix small vials of liquid. |
5 | TLC basic kit | Simple, rapid method of separating small amounts of compounds. |
6 | Sonicator | Extraction of multiple compounds from plants, microalgae and seaweed |
7 | Eppendorf Centrifuge | Substances separate according to their density |
8 | Freezer, -20 degree C | A freezer is an appliance that keeps food frozen at extremely low temperatures. |
9 | Fume Hood | Prevent the release of hazardous substances into the general laboratory |
10 | Incubator | An incubator is a device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures. |
11 | Ice -machine | Ice machines work to produce a batch of ice through a process known as adiabatic cooling. |
12 | Laminar flow | Filtering the polluted air and maintaining the sterile environment. |
13 | Orbital Shaker | Shaking applications in cell culture, bacterial growth and suspension, staining and washing procedures. |
14 | pH meter | Used to measure hydrogen ion activity in solutions |
15 | Centrifuge | Separate particles suspended in a liquid according to particle size and density, viscosity of the medium |
16 | EC Meter | Measures the potential for an electrical current to be transported through water. |
17 | Magnetic Stirrer | Creates a rotating magnetic field |
18 | Pippetman Set | Accurately and precisely transfer volumes of liquid in the microliter range. |
19 | PCR | Used to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA |
20 | Rotary Evaporator | Used to remove solvent from a sample through evaporation under reduced pressure. |
21 | Spectrophotometer UV | Measuring the intensity of light relative to wavelength. |
| Soxhlet Apparatus with Extractor | Used when the desired compound has a limited solubility in a solvent, and the impurity is insoluble in that solvent. |
23 | Electrophoresis horizontal | Used to separate DNA, RNA or protein molecules based on their size and electrical charge. |
24 | Electrophoresis Vertical | Used to separate DNA, RNA or protein molecules based on their size and electrical charge. |
25 | Gel- documentation with laptop | Used for the analysis of proteins, antibodies and nucleic acid immobilized in polyacrylamide or agarose gels, membranes or microarrays. |
26 | Hemocytometer | For performing blood cell counts |
27 | Microtome | Microtomes are used to cut thin slices of material |
28 | Binocular microscope with camera | Viewing and cut down specimen accurately |
| Suction pumps | Works by atmospheric pressure |
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