Research Projects

Research Projects

S. No.Name of the ProjectFunding AgencyAward YearPrincipal InvestigatorDepartment


(Million Rs.)

1English WorksUS Embassy, Pakistan2024Prof. Dr. Rooh ul AminEnglish15.7 millionIn Progress
2Preparedness of Parents and Families Living in Flood-affected Areas on How to Manage Stress and Protect Their ChildrenParenting for Lifelong Health, Oxford University, UK2024Prof Dr. Sobia MasoodPsychology0.55 millionIn Progress
3Risk Factors Affecting Road Safety in Pakistan: A Traffic Safety FrameworkHEC2023Dr. Rayna SadiaPsychology6.3 millionIn Progress
4Fabrication of GaN based micro-LEDsHEC2023Dr. Bushra ParveenPhysics2.4 millionIn Progress
5Carbon Quantum Dots (CQDs) for next Generation Biomedical ApplicationNESCOM2022Dr. Abdul BaisChemistry0.075 millionCompleted
6Exploration of Protective Role of Plant Mediated Nanoparticles as Nano-Biofungicide Against Early Blight Disease of TomatoHEC2021Dr. Nasir MehmoodBotany1 millionCompleted
7Plant diversity as an aid to digitization in herbarium and botanical garden in Rawalpindi Women University.HEC2021Dr. Fozia BibiBotany1 millionCompleted
9Noble metal doped rGO-ZnS nanomaterials for photocatalytic degradation of environmental pollutantsHEC2021Dr. Hina NaeemChemistry1 millionCompleted
10Synthesis & Biological evaluation of privileged analyses of Anhydride for anticancer activityHEC2021Dr. TariqChemistry1 millionCompleted
11Development of electrochemical sensor for the diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 (Corona Virus)HEC2021Dr. Azeema MunirChemistry1 millionCompleted
12Synthesis, structural and magnetic study of bismuth-based superconductorsHEC2021Dr.  Attia FirdousChemistry1 millionCompleted
13To determine the de novo pathogenic variants in autosomal recessive disorders and their association with phenotypeHEC2021Dr.  Humaira Aziz SawalZoology1 million  Completed



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