Faculty of Sociology

Faculty of Sociology


Dr. Raza Ullah

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification :PhD (Sociology)
Email ID : raza.ullah@f.rwu.edu.pk
Area of Research Interest : Gender and education, women empowerment, gender equality and gender issues in mass media

Dr. Ume Habiba

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification : Ph.D. Sociology
Area of Research Interest : Gender, Sociology of Health, Youth, Peace and Conflict, Sociology of Family, Globalization, Environmental Sociology

Faiq Fatima Durrani

Designation: Lecturer
Qualification : MPhil Sociology
Area of Research Interest :Digital Media, Children Representation, Gender and Climate Change, Technology and Human Interaction


Designation: Lecturer
Qualification : MPhil. Sociology
Area of Research Interest : Sociology of Marriage & Family, Children’s wellbeing, Youth, Research Methodology, Road Safety